Welcome to the Pi Node installation instructions
Pi NODE application
Clicking on the NODE icon in the Pi NODE Application will open the Pi NODE section. Follow the instructions and complete the necessary steps. Pair your Pi NODE App with the mobile Pi App by following these instructions. Install Docker Desktop, WSL 2 and whatever else is offered. Leave everything on "Default". Docker Desktop does not require you to register, so skip that step.
If there is a problem due to which you were not able to install Pi NODE properly, then follow the instructions that follow here.
Installing Docker Issues
Docker Desktop
Enabling Hyper V for Windows 10 Home Users
Opening the Ports Issues
The task is
- You need to open the ports on your internet router as well as enable them in the Firewall on your computer.
- The router needs to be redirected to your computer.
Your computer's Firewall should allow incoming connection to Dockerfor the port range 31400 - 31409.
Port forwarding in Internet router
Windows firewall: How to open Ports:
Goto Control Panel, System and Security, Windows Firewall.Select Advanced settings,choose Inbound Rulesin left pane .Right click Inbound Rules,select New Rule.Add TCP, "31400-31409"and click Next.Select Allow the connectionin next window, choose Next.Select all the network typeand choose Next.Name it "Pi Network"and click Finish.
Checking if the ports are open or listening
open the Command Promptunder Windows .(like this) type in netstat -aon | findstr 3140or netstat -aoncheck if the ports 31400 - 31409are listening

If the ports still not working, try the following:
How to use Command Prompt to find your IP addresses? (Windows)
look for Default Gatewayunder your network adapter for your router's IP address (connectaddress).look for IPv4 Addressunder the same adapter section to find your computer's IP address (listenaddress).

Restart your computer
(autostart) Docker,then (autostart) PI Network,click on Nodeicon in Pi NODE aplication ,- Continue,
- Continue,
- leave the red switch on.
That's it!

You will see all ports open, or just a few (as in the picture), if you are NODE in Pi Blockchain.
But... if you restart yor computer!?
To resolve this, do that in latest versions of Windows:

I hope you have successfully set up your computer
This was a necessary preparation of your computer to be operationally ready to accept the role of NODE or SUPER NODE. Good luck!